I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Friday, November 18, 2005

Circle of Life

I remember I was going to the Roosevelt Mall with my freind Jimmy in between my birthday and Christmas. We took the 59 bus and walked up Cottman Avenue to the mall. I had a few bucks in my pocket from birthday money. On the way back home we stopped in Doctor's Pet and I saw this little kitten that I wanted. Now I was 11 years old at the time, but the store still sold me the kitten. I brought her home in the box they gave to show her her new home. I decided her name would be Cookie. Being it was December and it was very cold, Jimmy and I made a couple of cups of hot chocolate...well Cookie was always the inquisitive one, and she took a peek in one of the cups and got a bit too close...and the whiskers on the one side of her face fell off. Now cats use their whiskers to see what they can walk through because they extend as far as the farthest part of their body. So poor Cookie had lost a bit of balance and the inability to navigate through tight spots til they grew back. Cookie is now 20 years old. She was the first pet I bought myself and I have a sweet spot in my heart for her. While I was talking to my mom yesterday, she said Cookie was not doing good, and lost control of her bladder and wished she knew I was off, so that I could ..I don't even want to write it..but you all know. It honestly ruined my day. I am so sad over this. I am going to remember Cookie sitting on top of the warm cable box in the kitchen every chance she had. Cookie begging like a dog at the dinner table..and stealing food right off your plate if you turned away. I am going to remember her big paws rapping to get in my room when I shut the door and rapping in the morning to get out and eat. She had a great 20 years and showed her love to me and my family. She was such a unique cat and I am going to miss her more when she is gone. I guess I keep trying to tell myself that she is suffering and will have her sisters Mittens, Nesper,Nutmeg, Stumper, and Marshmallow to pal around with again in Kitty Heaven.

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