I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Monday, October 24, 2005


I have held this one in too long and I am not sure why I feel the need to divulge this info on here, but... I have been lying to a lot of people for about 3 months now. Twice a week when I tell my wife I am going to the bar for a couple of hours to watch a game, or hang out with Steve or Eric.. I am taking a Pilates class at the local YMCA. I even go as far as to have a beer outside the house before i come in so I smell like alcohol. The Pilates method makes me feel refreshed and very focused. I feel energized and less angry at the daily grind of a normal work week. I am one of two guys in the class, so atleast I' m not the only one. My body fat percent is at 5% and I have not felt this good health-wise ever. I am not sure how much longer this charade can go on, so I went out and bought myself a Pilates mat and several Pilates DVD's. It seems I may have to curtail my twice a week YMCA jaunts to one and practice this envigorating form of fitness in my own home. It will just be weird not having my exercise gear on at home, because I would be too embarassed if my wife came downstairs and saw me. I even have done some Feng Shui in the house and I do feel the rooms are more inviting and calming. Now I really need to curtail some of my poor eating habits and really listen to the nutritional consultant at the Y. More organic foods that have less hormones and additives. I am going to ask for a steamer for Christmas. I bet I can make a really healthy menu with one of those. None of this is true, but I wanted to try doing this a few times on here and see how far someone got before they knew I was not making any sense and saying ridiculous things. How did that go for you?


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Colleen said...

The whole time I was reading it, I kept thinking..."This does not seem like Chris but, hey, he's trying something new." What I know of you I know because of Dana, and Pilates just wasn't something that ever would have entered my mind. Baseball? yes. Movies? yes. Pilates? no.

Good work! You had me fooled.

At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pilates...hahahahha...could never picture u doing that...too funny

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw pilates, I thought you might be a little early for Mischief Night or late for April Fool's Day.


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