I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I liked it better the first time..

I was thinking about a new interactive portion for the blog today and came up with this:

~ I liked Cinderella Man the first time it came out when it was called Rocky.

~ I liked Ugueth Urbina the first time the Phillies had him when his name was Jose Mesa.

I look forward to other reader's additions to this, as I also have more to add, but just wanted to put a few examples out there and add more as new ones came to me, or old ones came back to me. Now on to Kanye West's remarks, "George Bush does not care about black people." Uh, Kanye..when did you figure this one out? He is white and is from Texas. They still fly the Stars and Bars down there man, Why would you want to stick up for the mongrels that were caught on camera looting, shooting..etc? The TV did not lie..they were all black, That is besides the point though...you should have admonished the people shown and not been mad because they were shown and happened to be black. I'm embarassed the white politicians in power did not react swift enough or with enough strength to help the people down there. You should be embarassed at the blacks who were shown looting and whatnot. Get a grip man and stick to music. Do you really think some TV exec was like ' Hey don't show the Spaniards or Whites looting and shooting.... I want all cameras on the blacks..it makes great news!!" That is what you were implying in the whole monologue you created..and I think it was uninformed and biased.

Now because the goverment would not protect and build up the levee's in New Orleans..I have to pay 54.00 for a tank of gas??? Yes you read it correct 54.00. Prices raised just in time for...wow...one of the biggest travel weekends of the year??? Coincidence? My question is this. If the gas station I go to did not have to get replenished with new fuel yet....and the higher costs they incur..then why did the prices get raised if the gas you were still selling was bought at the old rate? To gouge us is the answer. So what are we to do? We need gas right? We need it to go to work atleast....or to get food..medicine,etc... Drive less then. Carpool. Walk to the store if you can. Make all your trips in one day. I am going to do all I can to conserve gas. I am also going to do mean things to gas pumps when I can also. Like today. I took three Post-It notes and put them over the prices on the three gas grades at the pump. They each read, respectively:
One Arm, One Leg, and Your Firstborn. I just found the picture attached now, so it was not the muse for my post-its, but I like it even better. May not make them change the prices, but it makes you feel pretty good to do it.


At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is your best blog yet! How true everything is! I think our dear old Mr. President needs to start looking for a new job! What happened to helping the middle class? At $3.00+ a gallon for gas that's certianly not helping me! I think like you said we need to start conserving our gas and help ourselves, Mr. Bush isn't!

At 7:54 PM, Blogger Houseopayn said...

Thanks Deb. I appreciate your comments and support.

At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BOHICA Chris Bend Over Here It Comes Again !!!! Poppy


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