I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Moonlight Graham

I did not think of things this way until I went through the exit. The movie Field of Dreams flashed into my head. I stepped out of the door and into the cornfield. Knowing that once I left that I would never come back in the same way again. I only hope that something I did, said, or showed stays with each and every person in some way. I can only assume 4 years will bring alot of 'Remember whens....'. So I guess that is that. On the Remember When front.....Remember when you could get all types of cool candy at the local candy store or family pharmacy? I'm talking ten cent boxes of Lemonheads, Cherry Clan, Alexander the Grape, Fruit Imperials, Boston Baked Beans, and my favorite Mr. Melons.What were your favorite kid candies? Where did you get them? They were the kid equivalent of crack to me. Well Mr. Melons and baseball. I could go to the corner candy store and pick up Mr. Melons, a Whiffle Ball, and a pack of Topps stickers for my baseball sticker book. Man that store was the coolest. I could even trade in my doubles for extra's that Pat had. Pat was the owner of the store and she was also the crossing guard at the end of my street. There are no places like Pat's anymore. Norman Rockwell paints pictures of an Americana candy store like Pat's. Kids do not know what they are missing man.


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