I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I want to add a new facet to the blog...Quotations I feel that are worthy of publishing. Some may need a bit of background, some will explain themselves...or just be inexplicable.

~ ' Cherries are annoying.' This was due to the fact of them being such a pain to eat because of the pit inside.

~ ' It's still sunnish out, but it is raining.'

~'The pitcher had to come out of the game because his hat was too sweaty.'

I was re-reading my post about Drakkar and cologne in general. It made me think of how much scents can spark memories. A certain smell can bring you back to a certain place in time, a person, or time in your life. So I wanted to talk about a few that came to mind.

- Patchouli reminds me of Junior year of High School. Every time I smell it, I think back to the people I hung around with and have a lot of great memories hanging out with Eric, Steve, and Lipski. Nothing real specific, but just great memories.

- Tribe reminds me of my first date with Dana. I can still remember that day very vividly. I even bought the perfume online a while back . All I have to do to take me back to March 1,1992 is crack the bottle and take a whiff.

- Anyone who has ever played baseball I am sure can relate to this one. The smell of your glove. Now this one evokes alot of memories. I think the first thing that comes to mind is spring. That first nice day of the year when you can practice outside. Fresh cut grass. Dirt.

- A weird one, but anyone who has ever been to the Franklin Institute will remember the distinctive smell of the Human Heart room. I can sit here right now and recall that smell, school trips, and the careless days of youth.

- The smell os church incense of course reminds me of my time as an altar boy, and my lesson in how to extinguish a charcoal.

I am sure there are more. Do you have any instances where a scent or smell reminds you of someone, or some moment in your life? Apparently Will Smith did..cause he told me so in his song 'Summertime'..
" And as i think back it makes me wonder how
the smell froma grill could spark up nostalgia"
He also told me Girls are Nothin but Trouble and Parents Just Don't Understand...and I found girls to be delightful and my parent's understood just fine.


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Colleen said...

Chris, you continue to do great work on your blog. Your posts are very entertaining! Thanks also for your comments on my blog. Talk to you soon! Say hi to Dana for me!

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Colleen said...

OH, and btw...I do have a scent that sparks nostalgia...i don't know exactly how to describe it, except to say that it is the beachy shore smell, like when you are arriving at the shore for the first time during the summer. Every time I smell that, it reminds me of the multiple summers my family spent going to the jersey shore. Although it can be a little "stinky," it means instant relaxation for me!

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I'm at 4th & South, it reminds me of a coming of age. Many damp, cloudy Sundays going down to South St. The smell of that steak & fried onions coming from Jim's Steaks remind me of what South St. used to be-a place where you could be the "peculiar one" anywhere else, but feel a sense of comfort knowing that wherever you looked, there would always be someone/thing stranger than you. Being a teeager, buying T-shirts from Zipperhead, spending hours in & out of shops, etc. Even though the shops are businesses (I would normally associate these with corporate nonsense), It didn't matter. Spending time with my friends or alone-it was all worth it! Now, especially during the summer, it's a god damn hip-hop video. It's sad to see a part of my youth going down the drain-like most places in Filthadelphia.


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