I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Monday, August 08, 2005

Goodbye Gene

I was just talking about the 1964 Phillies and as I signed on tonight I saw that the Phillies manager in 1964, Gene Mauch had passed away. Makes me want to know about him and the team more. I am real sure that this will jinx it, but every Phillies game that I went to this year and brought the grill, the Phillies have won.The grill is 6-0. As the game last Saturday ended, we started chanting in unison 'GRILL, GRILL, GRILL!!!' I am unbelievably superstitious. Borderline OCD. My routines have routines. It starts from when I wake up. Bathroom. Brush teeth. Left sock first. Pants. Shirt. Back to bathroom. Deodorant. Brush hair. Kiss wife. Cologne. It goes on and on. I think routines are good to have, so you don't forget anything. I also know exactly how long it takes me from getting up to walking out of the house. But sometimes it is almost frustrating because I feel like I have to do things in a certain order. Remember when Drakkar was THEE cologne to wear? I never did, but almost all my friends did from like 1988-1992. I think I was too busy saving up for a pair of Z. Cavaricci's. Chicks dig pants with the tag on the zipper.


At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only have one thing to say. "You better have some thiorzen in that bag."


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