I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I hate it when..

I Hate it when:
~ the person in front of you in the 12 item express line has 22 items and all you want is milk
~ people in Church look at me when I don't shake anyone's hand at the sign of peace.. hands are filthy. I think I saw some old dude picking ear wax during the homily..yea I'll shake his hand.
~ Rheal Cormier comes in to pitch for the Phillies..because that mean we gave up and the game is over
~ I have 10 black socks in my drawer and none of them match
~ people go past the Stop here on red sign at an intersection
~ I pay 35.00 for a tank of gas when I know that could buy 2.5 cases of Miller High Life

To me. fall is synonymous with sweater weather. I don't like winter very much, but fall is a great season. The first cool night usually hits us in September sometime. You can see your breath outside. It reminds me of going back to school, Halloween, and playoff baseball. Now I sure hope that I am sitting in Citizen's Bank Park bundled up in late October, on the edge of my seat, waiting for the last pitch from Wagner's hand...and then sheer elation. I will be honest with you, I know I will be overcome with so much emotion that there is no doubt I will cry. I mean look at it this way. I have followed the Phillies for over 25 years. The good, the bad, and the atrocious. Lord knows the atrocities I have committed in 1993 over the last Phillies loss in the World Series still live in Juniata lore. Granted, there is nothing like summer, but Autumn has its beauty of the leaves, crisp air, and last bit of being outdoors before the snow and nasty cold of winter takes hold. I think I may have to go light a Pumpkin Spice candle now. I hate it when I have to rake those fallen leaves though. Start learning a foreign language today..Herbst is German for Fall and Oktoberfest is my idea of a viable reason to have intoxicants.


At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't find a pair of matching black socks to save my life!

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Houseopayn said...

Feel lucky I don;t shake your hand son...you know where my hands have been.


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