I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Bachelor Party Plans...Good and Evil

So my brother is getting married in March and as mentioned before I am the best man. One of the duties is to assemble the crew and plan the party. After much thought, I was able to come up with a great way to enjoy the weekend. I priced out plane tickets to Orlando,FL. Leave on Saturday early and get back on Sunday late. Very inexpensive. You would almost pay as much in gas and tolls to drive to AC for the night. Scored a hotel that has 4 beds to a room to cut that cost. Rented a van to seat all the guys. So the itinerary is as follows. Arrive in Orlando at 10 am. Go to hotel..well not straight to the hotel..we have to stop at the liquor store and score some libations. For those of you who don't know, I have been to Orlando quite a bit and went 4 years in a row with my college baseball team, so I know my way around Orlando a bit. Saturday night we are going to this club called Wish Upon A Star. It is a bar with female 'entertainers'. The gimmick with this place is that all the girls are dressed up like either Disney characters (Snow White, Cinderella, Mulan, etc.) as well as other famous females (Marilyn Monroe, Pam Anderson, etc..). As a tie in... we are then going to go to Disney World on Sunday and leave for Philly at 10 pm. I think that this will create a memorable experience for all involved and be a great story to tell for years to come.
In other news...I have a hypothesis on the correllation between how one order's a coffee at their local Starbucks or coffee shop and how big a jerk the person is. My belief is that someone who walks in and gets a Grande Mocha Valencia Americana Latte Half Soy Half Skim with one Splenda and a teaspoon of brown sugar cane a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg is a huge jerk in life. The more extravagant the order..the bigger the jerk. Do you think there is any truth to this? What do you order?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Whitey's Back

Was he in jail? Did he leave the country? Did he choose internet porn over the blog? What was going on during the two month hiatus? Was he suspended from computer use by the warden? Well given the choice...write on the blog or do Google searches for this years up and coming starlet...Those darn starlets always win.
On to the topic of weddings. I have now been the best man in two weddings, been in a total of six weddings, and have two more to come.This calendar year alone I have been in and attended seven weddings. That is a sad commentary on the quality of friends my friends have....to make me the best man three times in my life? I feel very lucky to have been chosen three times. I just wish guys all wore the same tuxedo to every wedding. The average tuxedo rental is 175.00. Multiply that by six times folks and that over a thousand bucks!! What a racket these formal wear joints have. Atleast girls get to keep their dresses..even though they will never wear them again usually. Now I have to admit what I did to my tux after the last wedding I was in. I got home that night after driving over 100 miles, and felt the need to get my 175.00 worth. I blew my nose in the shirt. I used the jacket as a towel after I washed my hands. Nothing too crazy so that they could charge me extra. They had a nice surprise in the shoes when they found a couple of sardines though. That made me feel a whole lot better. Not 175.00 better, but better. I have big plans for the next tuxedo I rent. Big plans folks. Look for the post on March 19th for the full story.
This past wedding was great, because I got to see childhood friends again, as well as be best man for my best friend. It stunk in a way because I could not hit the sauce the way I normally would because I had to drive 100 miles and obviously was not going to have any alcohol. I think it really surprised some or all of my friends, because they probably have not seen me without an alcoholic beverage of some sort at any social function. They also reminded me of some stories I had forgotten about and will share with you as time goes on. I was looking through some pictures recently of me at family or holiday get togethers and without fail I have a drink in my hand. In a weird way I am pretty proud of that.

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