I Think My Mask of Sanity is About to Slip....

Friday, September 30, 2005

I Can Sing a Rainbow

Do you remember Captain Noah starting off the show by sliding down the slide? How about these lyrics:
Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too

Or how about the part when the camera scanned by pictures sent in by kids while the song:
Send your pictures
To Dear Old Captain Noah
Send today
Send right away

One of my favorite parts of the show was when they would show pictures around America each week and play 'This Land is Your Land'. My mom would bring out a map or globe and show me where the Redwoods in California were or the Gulf stream waters. I just wanted to say thanks to my Mom for that.

But without question my favorite part of the show was 'Mumwa the Monster' . It was a puppet who lived under Captain Noah's table and would eat all the scraps of paper after the Captain and Sally Starr or Mrs. Noah did some arts and crafts. Does anyone remember 'Mumwa' ? He was the Oscar the Grouch before Oscar... To this day whenever I use a garbage disposal I think of Captain Noah and Mumwa the Monster.

With it being officially October now and the nip is in the air I am going to vow to do 2 things I have wanted to do every October for a while. I will read The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe and also visit his house in downtown Philly. For those of you who have never been there...you are missing out. The eerie feeling I got when I walked into an upstairs bedroom, hair standing on end, an uneasiness in the air, and a sense of being watched. It is one of the treasures of Philadelphia and not many people have gone there for Halloween time..they would rather go to a haunted hayride or a fake haunted house. Well go to Poe's house and experiencethe real thing.

I am hoping to be able to post an anecdote about the smoothest move in the history of dating. This move was made by my best friend in High School and I still bring it up. He was just so ahead of his time with this one. I don't want to build this up too much, because it is more of an inside joke that needs a bit of background for you to truly see the visionary E circa 1991.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


1986. I had my first taste of the addiction. One hit and it changed my life. I was only in seventh grade at the time, but I could not get enough of it. I could not wait to get home so I could get some more. Insatiable appetite for it. It was The Legend of Zelda for NES. I always liked video games. Starting off with the Atari system, then moving on up to the NES. I started off with Super Mario, like most of us. Mario was the 'gateway' game for me. I liked the challenge and idea that I had to solve puzzles as well as be immersed in an action game. Well along comes the Zelda game in its shiny gold cartridge, and I was hooked. There were no hint guides back then. You had to solve the riddles on your own, Figure out by trial and error how to beat the boss, or access the needed item. No game since has compared to the sheer enjoyment I received from playing and beating Zelda. Dark Cloud and Kingdom Hearts come close, but I hold Zelda in higher regard. It did not have flashy graphics, a cool soundtrack, or ultra-violence. It just had solid gameplay. Hours of fun, puzzles, action. If you are a gamer, what was the game that got you hooked? If you are not a gamer, what game could you pick up today and still enjoy it?
Have you ever told a lie for so long that even you aren't sure of the truth? Like when in actuality you got a 720 on your SAT's, but over the years you have told it to be a 1220,920,1050? In your mind you even try to reason it out that is is or may be the truth. Or that first girl you ever kissed was Sally, when you know darn well it was Pam, but Sally was much better looking, so Pam gets omitted from your memory...and you try to reason it out in your mind by saying ' Well Pam wasn't a REAL kiss because it was less than three seconds and I had one eye open and my fingers crossed' . I sure have some that I am not going to be silly enough to put in print for posterity. I just was looking for some of you to let me know I am not alone. Well I had been telling everyone I got into bars when I was 7, but I had a fake ID since I was 6. This is untrue. The first beer I ever had was October 30, 1989. It was a case of Busch me and my three friends scrapped together 10 bucks for and had one of the older guys score for us. I remember the exact day because it was mischief night. My three friends and I kind of had a custom we would do each mischief night since we were like 12 or 13 til too old that I don't want to mention. We would don our Halloween costumes a day early and start knocking at doors with our bags and a 'Trick or Treat!'. The looks on people's faces were priceless. With the Busch beers I guzzled down in 1989, it was a whole lot easier putting on my Jason Voorhees costume complete with army coat and goalie mask, and knocking on people's doors one day early...to beat the rush.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I liked it better the first time..

I was thinking about a new interactive portion for the blog today and came up with this:

~ I liked Cinderella Man the first time it came out when it was called Rocky.

~ I liked Ugueth Urbina the first time the Phillies had him when his name was Jose Mesa.

I look forward to other reader's additions to this, as I also have more to add, but just wanted to put a few examples out there and add more as new ones came to me, or old ones came back to me. Now on to Kanye West's remarks, "George Bush does not care about black people." Uh, Kanye..when did you figure this one out? He is white and is from Texas. They still fly the Stars and Bars down there man, Why would you want to stick up for the mongrels that were caught on camera looting, shooting..etc? The TV did not lie..they were all black, That is besides the point though...you should have admonished the people shown and not been mad because they were shown and happened to be black. I'm embarassed the white politicians in power did not react swift enough or with enough strength to help the people down there. You should be embarassed at the blacks who were shown looting and whatnot. Get a grip man and stick to music. Do you really think some TV exec was like ' Hey don't show the Spaniards or Whites looting and shooting.... I want all cameras on the blacks..it makes great news!!" That is what you were implying in the whole monologue you created..and I think it was uninformed and biased.

Now because the goverment would not protect and build up the levee's in New Orleans..I have to pay 54.00 for a tank of gas??? Yes you read it correct 54.00. Prices raised just in time for...wow...one of the biggest travel weekends of the year??? Coincidence? My question is this. If the gas station I go to did not have to get replenished with new fuel yet....and the higher costs they incur..then why did the prices get raised if the gas you were still selling was bought at the old rate? To gouge us is the answer. So what are we to do? We need gas right? We need it to go to work atleast....or to get food..medicine,etc... Drive less then. Carpool. Walk to the store if you can. Make all your trips in one day. I am going to do all I can to conserve gas. I am also going to do mean things to gas pumps when I can also. Like today. I took three Post-It notes and put them over the prices on the three gas grades at the pump. They each read, respectively:
One Arm, One Leg, and Your Firstborn. I just found the picture attached now, so it was not the muse for my post-its, but I like it even better. May not make them change the prices, but it makes you feel pretty good to do it.

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